Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21st

Dear Delaney School Community,
It was wonderful to see so many of you in the building this week.  Thank you for your ongoing support. Please have a wonderful and relaxing winter break.

The following students (and classes) received Positive Referrals. They were recognized for being caring friends, using great manners, being wonderful role models, receiving several compliments about their behavior at Plimoth Plantation, and donating their own money to help others. 
These students are truly outstanding individuals and I am so proud of each and every one of them.

Students in Mrs. Wagstaff's Kindergarten class participated in a Hibernation Celebration in honor of the first day of winter.

On behalf of Project Mitten and all the families that are provided for, we would like to thank the following people for their generous support:                                 

The McCombs Family and their neighbors
The Gap at the Wrentham Outlet mall
Wrentham CoOperative Bank
The Pond Home
The Wrentham Developmental Center
Wampum Corner Wine and Spirits
The Lions Club
St. Mary's Church
The Wrentham Public Schools' Staff

On behalf of the entire Delaney Staff, I would like to wish you and your family Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.  We will see you on January 2, 2013!

Thank you for reading.  See you in the New Year!

Melissa Peterson

Monday, December 17, 2012

Delaney School response to Newtown tragedy on Monday, December 17th.

Dear Parents,

As a follow up to Dr. Marsden’s email and Connect Ed message, I wanted to communicate how things would be handled at the Delaney School today in response to the Newtown tragedy.

This morning, I will be meeting with the Delaney Staff prior to the children’s arrival.  At this meeting, I will share that our job as a staff is to maintain as much normalcy as possible for the PreK-3 students.  Due to the age of the children in the Delaney building and the fact that many are unaware of Friday's tragedy, we will not be observing a moment of silence and teachers will not be discussing the happenings with their classes.  If a child makes a comment or asks a questions, responses will be succinct, and whenever possible made only to that individual child. For those in need, guidance services will be available.

I understand that such an unimaginable tragedy as the one that occurred on Friday is hard to comprehend.  As we work to process this as adults, please trust that our focus today will be on keeping your child’s routine as typical as possible.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14th

Hello everyone,

The countdown to winter break is underway and classrooms are bustling.  It has been wonderful to see so many parents in and out of the school this week and we look forward to seeing more of you next week as well.  Please keep in mind that we have a full day of school on Friday, December 21st and will return after the new year on January 2nd.

Positive Referrals

Congratulations to Mrs. Sabatini's and Mrs. DeTrolio's classes for receiving a Positive Referral.  Both classes were recognized by the staff at Plimoth Plantation for their outstanding behavior and participation during their recent field trip.  Well done! 

Preschool students and parents worked together on Friday to create gingerbread houses. Judging from these pictures, a few of the treats may not have made it onto the houses...

Mrs. D'Egidio's first grade class has been working hard on their sentence writing.  During a recent activity, they imagined what it would be like if they lived in a snow globe.  Their pictures and creative ideas are on display in the first grade hallway and are being enjoyed by all!

Our thoughts are with the Newtown, Connecticut community.

Thank you for reading.  See you next week.
Melissa Peterson

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

Happy Friday!
The Delaney School has been bustling with activity over the past two weeks.  With just a few short weeks remaining until winter break, our students and teachers continue to work hard.  This week's blog is filled with photos of students demonstrating outstanding behavior, third graders exploring what life was like in the 17th century during their visit to Plimoth Plantation, and teachers gaining math Common Core strategies.
Please enjoy!

Mark Your Calendars...Winter Break - Dec. 22nd - Jan. 1st

Thank you to the PTO board and volunteers for hosting the amazing staff appreciation breakfast this morning.  The food was delicious and an exceptional treat!

Positive Referrals
The following students received positive referrals over the past two weeks for demonstrating outstanding character.  Examples included helping a friend who was injured, being kind and considerate to classmates, assisting in the collection of food on Spirit Day, and being an amazing role model.
Congratulations and keep up the great work!!!!

Grade 3 visited Plimoth Plantation this week and participated in a variety of activities.  Thank you to WEST for their generous grant supporting this phenomenal learning trip.  Enjoy the photos.

Brrr!!! It's chilly outside!  Please be sure to send your children with the appropriate clothing for outside recess. 

On Tuesday, Delaney teachers used their weekly common planning time to work with math specialist John Ribeiro to go deeper with the conceptual understanding of the mathematics.  Teachers in grades PreK, K, 1, and 3 discussed strategies for decomposing numbers using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  Grade 2 teachers will be working with Dr. Ribeiro next week.

Thank you for reading.  See you next week!
Melissa D. Peterson

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 21st

Dear Delaney Families,

I hope that you are enjoying your week thus far and would like to thank everyone who attended parent/teacher conferences.  It was wonderful to see so many of you!

I would also like to take a moment to wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving. I feel so thankful to be a member of the Wrentham Public Schools' community.  The children, parents, and staff are truly amazing and I feel extremely fortunate to be part of it all.  Please enjoy your holiday!

A staff member recently shared this poem written last year by one of our now, third graders, Jack S.  It was too outstanding not to share it all with you.

"I'm Thankful For So Many Things"

I'm thankful for birds, I'm thankful for bees.
I'm thankful for things that grow up in trees.
I'm thankful for squirrels, I'm thankful for rats.
I'm thankful for dogs and Siamese cats.
On Thanksgiving Day, I'm thankful the most.
I'm always polite to my hostess or host.
I've been thankful since the day I was born.
I'm thankful for the clothes that I've worn.
I'm glad I don't sleep on cold metal each night.
Like a poor, wild animal, bursting with fright.
I'm thankful for houses and cold water streams.
But not for those monsters I see in bad dreams.
I'm thankful for doing the things that I do.
And last but not least, I'm thankful for you!

On Monday, members of the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation stopped by our school to pick up the donated items collected to date.  Members of Mrs. Carceo's and Mrs. DeTrolio's grade 3 classes helped to separate coats before they were sent over to Gillette Stadium.  The Cradles to Crayons drive at our school will continue until Friday, December 21st.  Thank you to all who have donated items.  The individual from the Patriots said that there were 17,000 boys and girls in need of winter coats this year.  
Have a great rest of your week.  Thank you for reading.
Dr. Melissa D. Peterson