Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 29, 2013

Hi Delaney Families,

This week's blog is filled with great photos and information about things happening at the Delaney School.  Please enjoy.

The 5th Annual Family Literacy Night will be held on Thursday, April 4th from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Roderick School.  Teachers from the Delaney and Roderick Schools have put together a wonderful evening for all students.  Creative and exciting new programs have been added this year as well as some of the most popular activities from previous years.  In addition, literacy night will include author/illustrator Natalie Douglas who will be assisting with a watercolor painting activity.  Our PTO will again be organizing a book swap in the cafeteria.  We hope to see you all there!

On Wednesday, the Freedom Trail Scholars Program visited the Delaney School. Our 3rd graders participated in reenactments of the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's Ride, and the Boston Massacre as part of their ongoing learning about the Revolutionary War.  The MTA sponsored this program. Thank you!

Positive Referrals!

Congratulations to the following students who received Positive Referrals this week. They were recognized for being incredible role models, showing exemplary behavior, and helping others.  We're so proud of them!

Check out the happenings in our preschool classrooms!

Graphing jelly beans...what's your favorite flavor?


Hippety-Hopping through our day...Happy Spring everyone!

On Tuesday, April 2nd, the Delaney School will be participating in World Autism Awareness Day.  Students will be receiving stickers to wear throughout the day, blue balloons will adorn each of the entry ways, and the event will be recognized by our students during morning announcements.

Buildings around the world, including the Empire State Building, participate in a unique global initiative called Light it up Blue.  Check out some of the locations that have “gone blue” to bring awareness to autism.

From the PTO...
The Spring Fundraiser (Yankee Candle & Mixed Bag catalog) sales will go through next Friday, April 5th.  The money raised by the PTO is used to run activities such as Literacy Night, subsidizing student field trips, and much, much more.  The classroom with the most sales will receive a pizza party!  Thank you in advance for supporting our PTO.

  • No School Tomorrow, March 29th 
  • School Council Meeting - Wednesday, April 3rd at 3:00 PM - Delaney Teachers' Room
  • Literacy Night - Thursday, April 4th - 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Noon Dismissals  - Tuesday, April 9th & Thursday, April 11th (Conference Days)
  • April Vacation - Monday, April 15th - Friday, April 19th 

Thank you for reading. Have a great weekend.

Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

Hello Delaney Families,
I hope that you all had a wonderful week.  We are all very excited that spring has officially arrived and can't wait for some of that warmer weather to follow.  Please enjoy some photos, information and reminders about the wonderful things happening at the Delaney School.


The driveway located between the Delaney and Roderick Schools, also known as the bus loop, is off limits to all cars between the hours of 8:00-8:30 a.m. and 2:30-3:00 p.m.  Staff members are situated outside to monitor student arrival and assist children in entering the building safely.  Cars attempting to enter the area will be asked to leave immediately.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Good Luck Wrentham Wildcats DI Teams!

The DI Wrentham Wildcats invite everyone to their Regional Tournament, Saturday March 23rd at Medfield High School/Blake Middle School complex.  

This event is free and all are encouraged to come and cheer the Wildcats on!

We begin our first presentation at 9:00 AM.  For more information about Wrentham's DI Wildcats please contact Linda DeVore, DI Coordinator at  For more information about the DI program visit, or

Or you can ask any of the students involved this year... 
Grade 3 - Kyle Bilezerian, Jacob Brengel, Lily Brown, Drew Danson, Sam DeBaggis, Olivia DeTrolio-Kelly, Michael Earls, Quinn Garstka, Zachary Haigh, Randy Hepburn, Benjamin Hjort, John Pfeiffer, Tyler Woloski

Grade 4 - Aidan Boulger, Harry Brown, Peyton Mellman, Brianna Murphy, Andrew Pham, Keelin Sayers

Grade 5 - Erin Cahoon, Amanda Craig, Thomas Cyr, Roxanne Hepburn, Robert Hjort, Brenna Kennedy, Sophie Matta, Evelyn Moore, Faye and Melanie Veilleux

Grade 6 - Katie Conlon, Tyler DiFiore, Abby Hjort, MacKenzie Mattson, Ashanti Tharps

The DI program would not be a success without the volunteer efforts of our Team Managers.  A huge THANK YOU goes out to; Karyn Bilzerian, Marleigh Brown, Eileen Cahoon, Jane Cyr, Susan Danson, Kathy Hepburn, Becky Hjort, Audra Kennedy, and Marie Matta.

A special thank also you goes out to Linda DeVore for all of her ongoing efforts with this incredible program.

Counting Collections

At a School Committee Meeting in early March, Delaney students in Ms. Fuller and Mrs. D'Egidio's classes demonstrated math Common Core knowledge through a counting collections lesson with their teachers and Curriculum Coordinator, Deb Hanewich.  They did an amazing job!

Children's Discovery Museum - Grade Two 
Please enjoy a few more pictures of our second grade students exploring and learning at the Children's Discovery Museum in Acton, Massachusetts.

Flat Stanley and our Kindergarten students visited the Massachusetts Audubon Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary in Sharon, MA on Thursday.

St. Patrick's Day fun!
Students in Mrs. Beausoleil's Kindergarten class created leprechaun footprints, pots of gold, and Blarney stones.

WEST would like to thank Dr. Marsden, Wrentham Community Events, The Wrentham Lions and all of the students and parents for their generous support of WEST in The Dancing with the Wrentham Stars event.  WEST received over $8,000 in fundraising dollars for the event!  All of this money will benefit the children of the Wrentham Elementary Schools as WEST continues to fund educational grants.  Thank you!  

Also, congratulations to Tyler Medeiros of Miss Williams's Kindergarten class for winning the Electric Razor Scooter in the "Buy a Star" for Dr. Marsden fundraiser.  Finally, congratulations to Jamie and Kelly Snead for winning the Davios gift basket raffle while supporting Dr. Marsden in his dancing debut!

Thank you for reading.  See you next week!

Melissa D. Peterson

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 15, 2013

Hello Delaney Families,

I'm publishing this week's blog one day early as there is no school for students tomorrow (Friday, March 15th) due to the staff Professional Development Day.

Once again, we've had a busy week at the Delaney School.  There were field trips, presentations, and lot of learning opportunities.  
  • Students in Grade 3 continued to prepare for the English Language Arts MCAS tests that they will take next week on Wednesday, March 20th and Thursday, March 21st.  They have been working hard throughout the year and we know that they are going to give it their all and do a great job.  We wish them all the best of luck!
  • A Principals' Coffee was held on Thursday, March 14th at which the student placement process for the upcoming school year was discussed.  Those in attendance learned about the parental input letter and asked some great questions.  Visit the school website to view the Power Point presentation in its entirety.
  • The lottery for Transitional Kindergarten spots for the 2013-2014 school year will be held on Wednesday, March 20th at 1:00 p.m. in the Vogel Auditorium.  Individual letters were mailed home to families who chose the Transitional option informing them of the date and time.
  • Morning Announcements - If you haven't heard, each morning at 8:25 a.m., third grade students begin our day by greeting the Delaney School, sharing the date, the names of students celebrating birthdays, and lead the student body in the Pledge of Allegiance.  So far, children in Mr. Hughes' class and Mrs. Sabatini's class have volunteered and they have done and continue to do an amazing job!  If you're up the school one morning, be sure to listen for their voices.

On Thursday morning, several of our preschool students discovered that there had been a visitor to their classrooms overnight.  Green glitter, open windows, and other clues indicated some mischievous behavior which resulted in a school wide search for a leprechaun!

Students in Mrs. Foxx's class loved having guest readers from King Philip Middle School come to visit and read stories on Dr. Seuss Day.

Third grade students, Olivia and Lily practiced reading a poem and acting it out complete with mustache props!

Wrentham History Stories
First grade students in Mrs. Klenk's class completed their Wrentham history unit with a fantastic presentation.  Dressed as a child would have 100 years ago, the children read stories about memorable facts after learning about the town of Wrentham, schools, and way of life one hundred years ago.

Grade Two Field Trip!
This week, students in Grade 2 visited the Children's Discovery Museum in Acton, MA.  They participated in lessons and hands on activities about nature, weather, balance, and water during science and engineering workshops.  As you can see, they had a great time!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  Have a great weekend.

As always, thank you for reading.  Be sure to check back next week.

Melissa D. Peterson