Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 21st

Dear Delaney Families,

I hope that you are enjoying your week thus far and would like to thank everyone who attended parent/teacher conferences.  It was wonderful to see so many of you!

I would also like to take a moment to wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving. I feel so thankful to be a member of the Wrentham Public Schools' community.  The children, parents, and staff are truly amazing and I feel extremely fortunate to be part of it all.  Please enjoy your holiday!

A staff member recently shared this poem written last year by one of our now, third graders, Jack S.  It was too outstanding not to share it all with you.

"I'm Thankful For So Many Things"

I'm thankful for birds, I'm thankful for bees.
I'm thankful for things that grow up in trees.
I'm thankful for squirrels, I'm thankful for rats.
I'm thankful for dogs and Siamese cats.
On Thanksgiving Day, I'm thankful the most.
I'm always polite to my hostess or host.
I've been thankful since the day I was born.
I'm thankful for the clothes that I've worn.
I'm glad I don't sleep on cold metal each night.
Like a poor, wild animal, bursting with fright.
I'm thankful for houses and cold water streams.
But not for those monsters I see in bad dreams.
I'm thankful for doing the things that I do.
And last but not least, I'm thankful for you!

On Monday, members of the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation stopped by our school to pick up the donated items collected to date.  Members of Mrs. Carceo's and Mrs. DeTrolio's grade 3 classes helped to separate coats before they were sent over to Gillette Stadium.  The Cradles to Crayons drive at our school will continue until Friday, December 21st.  Thank you to all who have donated items.  The individual from the Patriots said that there were 17,000 boys and girls in need of winter coats this year.  
Have a great rest of your week.  Thank you for reading.
Dr. Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16th

Greeting Delaney School Families,

Report cards are being sent home with students in grades 1-6 today.  Please check those backpacks!

Please remember that students will be dismissed at 12:00 p.m. on Monday (11/19), Tuesday (11/20), and Wednesday (11/21) due to parent/teacher conferences.  Additionally, there will be no school on Thursday (11/22) or Friday (11/23) due to Thanksgiving Break.

Say Cheese! Again....
Laprade Studios will be back at the Delaney School on Tuesday, November 20th for picture re-takes.  Students who were absent on the October photo days or those in need of a re-take can get their pictures taken.  Please note: original pictures packages must be returned. Parents of students in MWF preschool classes, TTH preschool afternoon classes, or afternoon kindergarten may bring their
 child to the Delaney Office between 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Positive Referrals

  Congratulations to these first grade students who received Positive Referrals for always being helpful to their classmates and teacher.  Great job!

Positive Referral Breakfast

On Friday morning, approximately 35 Delaney School students and their special guests attended a Positive Referral Breakfast to celebrate their outstanding choices.  Guests enjoyed juice, coffee, and some healthy breakfast snacks courtesy of the fantastic Food Service staff. We are so proud of these boys and girls who continuously demonstrate the Core Values (respect, responsibility, communication, collaboration, and continuous growth and learning) of the Wrentham Public Schools.

On Tuesday, in recognition of Veterans' Day, Ms. Morrill's fiance, Sgt. Danielson visited and chatted with our preschoolers about being a soldier.  As a special thanks to him and his unit, our three preschool classrooms are sending him this special project.

PTO Fall Fundraiser Pick-up Hours
Orders from the Fall PTO fundraiser will be available for pick-up next week in the Vogel Auditorium. 
November 20th - 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
November 21st - 11:30 - ???

Next week's edition of the Delaney School Blog will be posted on Wednesday, November 21st due to the Thanksgiving break.

Thanks for reading!
Have a great weekend.

Dr. Melissa D. Peterson

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 9th

Hello again...

This week brought us our first snow of the season, a School Council meeting, Grandparents'/Special Person's Day, Spirit Day, Principals' Coffee and the close of the first term.  Phew!  We were sure busy, but what a great week!

Grandparents'/Special Person Day
It was wonderful to see so many special guests in the Delaney School on Thursday.  Thank you to all who were able to attend.  Also, a special thanks goes out to Alisa West and members of the Wrentham PTO for all of their help. 

Principals' Coffee
We had 15 people attend our Principals' Coffee during which MCAS and parent/teacher conferences were discussed.  Thank you to all who were able to come spend time with us this morning.  Your questions and comments were fantastic!  For anyone who was unable to attend, please click here for the Power Point presentation.  Our next Principals' Coffee will be held on Friday, January 18th at 8:30 a.m. in the Vogel Auditorium.  Our topic will be the recently adopted Reading Street series.

Spirit Day
On Friday, November 9th, our school celebrated our first Spirit Day of the 2012-2013 school year.  Students and staff members brought in non-perishable foods to donate to the Wrentham Food Pantry.  Thanks to everyone who participated!

Thank you to Mrs. DeTrolio and the many third grade students who gave up their recess time to help collect the food!

Kindergarten students participated in a mock election on Monday.

Parent/teacher conferences are just around the corner. Conferences are a wonderful time to check in with your child's teacher about their academic and social/emotional growth. Conference dates are set for Monday, November 19th (afternoon conferences) and Tuesday, November 20th (evening conferences). Both days are half days for the students with dismissal being held at 12:00 PM. Please note that report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 16th.

Have a wonderful week.  Thanks for reading.

Dr. Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2nd

Hello Delaney School Families,

Where did October go?  It seems impossible that two months of school could go by so quickly!  Although we missed a day due to Hurricane Sandy, we jumped right back into things on Tuesday and had a busy, busy week.  Please enjoy this week's blog and as always, I welcome your feedback.

Election Day at the Delaney!
And the winners are...

Romney: 357 votes
Obama: 253 votes

Brown: 518
Warren: 93

On Friday, students in grades 3-6 visited the Gibbons Gym to cast their votes.  After viewing Power Point presentations and posters created by the Roderick School students, the kids registered to vote and picked the candidates of their choice.  Thanks to Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Stockbridge, Mrs. Panchuk, Mrs. Traversi, and the many volunteers who helped create this experience for the students.

Congratulations to this week's Positive Referral recipients.  These boys made great decisions and were fabulous role models for their peers.  Keep up the great work!

Preschoolers on parade!
Children in our two day preschool program dressed up for their Halloween party and paraded through the Delaney Office.

Third graders learned about the Wampanoags during a visit funded by a WEST grant.

Kindergarten students enjoyed Halloween themed activities on Wednesday.  Thanks to all of the parents who volunteered and were able to join us on that day!

Congratulations to the Delaney School Food Service Staff who recently won the Massachusetts School Nutrition Award for most creative serving line!

Coming Soon!  Mark Your Calendars...

**Please remember that there is no school on Tuesday, November 6th due to Election Day.**

Grandparents'/Special Person Day
We are looking forward to welcoming our guests on Thursday, November 8th. As a reminder, buses will be available beginning at 8:30 AM from Luciano’s at Lake Pearl Park and will transport our guests to the Delaney/ Roderick School bus circle.  Grandparents/Special People are welcome to visit classrooms between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM.  We ask that all guests sign in with a PTO volunteer before moving throughout the buildings.  Buses will return visitors to Luciano’s at Lake Pearl Park starting at 10:30 AM.  Although there will be volunteers to assist on this day, it will be helpful for guests to know their school designation and child’s teacher’s name before arriving at the school. We hope that you can join us on this very special day.

On Friday, November 9th, we will be having our first Spirit Day of the 2012-2013 school year.  Consistent with our mission to provide opportunities for students to make connections between their actions and the world around them, we will be assisting the Wrentham Food Pantry by collecting nonperishable food items.   Any and all items would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any donated items.

Principals' Coffee
Our first Principals' Coffee of the school year will be held on Friday, November 9th at 8:30 a.m. in the Vogel Auditorium.  Topics for discussion include the 2011-2012 MCAS results and general information regarding parent/teacher conferences.  We aim for an informal atmosphere and welcome your questions and comments.  We also serve coffee and light pastries and encourage you to bring your children if you are unable to find daycare.  We hope to see you there!

Parent/Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching.  Conferences are a wonderful time to check in with your child's teacher about their academic and social/emotional growth.  Conference dates are set for Monday, November 19th (afternoon conferences) and Tuesday, November 20th (evening conferences).  Both days are half days for the students with dismissal being held at 12:00 p.m.  Please note that there will be no school for afternoon preschoolers and kindergartners on these days. 

As always, thanks for reading.  Have a great weekend!
Dr. Melissa D. Peterson