Tuesday, August 20, 2013

From the School Nurses...

Wrentham Public Schools
Office of the School Nurse

August 20, 2013

Hello Parents/Guardians:

The first day of school is just around the corner and your school nurses are hard at work preparing for the upcoming year.

We would like to remind you to please send in your child’s updated health forms including required immunizations for those children who are new to our school, entering preschool, kindergarten and grade 4.

If your child will require medication during the school year, please be sure that the appropriate medical forms are completed before the first day of school. Please check expiration dates on all inhalers and epipens.

The nurses will be available in the health office next week on the following days for any medication drop offs:

Tuesday- 8/27 from 10-1
Thursday- 8/29 from 12-3

Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy these last few days of summer.


Kerry Richardson, R.N., Julie Cashman R.N., & Karen Prew, R.N.
Delaney and Roderick School Nurses

Welcome Back Letter

Dear Delaney Families:

It is with great pleasure that I write to welcome you and your children to the 2013 – 2014 school year at the Delaney School.  The staff and I have been very busy preparing for your return and are very excited about the upcoming school year.

For students in Grades 1-3, the first student day will be on Tuesday, September 3rd and will be a full day.  The school day begins at 8:20 AM and runs until 2:45 PM.  Our Preschool and Kindergarten students will also begin school on August 3rd; however, they will follow the orientation schedule mailed earlier in the summer. 

Delaney staff members will be situated outside the building and throughout the school to assist children in locating their classrooms.  If you drop your child off by car, please remember that you should refrain from entering the bus circle between 8:00 – 8:30 AM and 2:20 – 3:00 PM as it presents a danger to the children, the staff members, and the school buses. Drop off areas are located in front of the Delaney and Annex Office entrances.  Please use extreme caution when entering and exiting the parking lot.

The Delaney School Open House will take place on Wednesday, September 18th.  Grade 2 will run from 5:30 – 6:30 PM,   Grade 3 will run from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, Kindergarten will run from 6:30 – 7:30 PM, and Grade 1 will run from 7:00 -8:00 PM . Open House night is a wonderful opportunity to visit your child’s classroom, begin to form a relationship with the classroom teacher, as well as learn about the grade level curriculum, specials, classroom technology, and activities.

In a continued effort to increase communication between school and home, I will once again be composing a weekly blog that will feature and highlight the variety of things that take place at the Delaney School each week.  There is a direct link to the blog on the front page of the website, weekly reminders regarding updates will be sent out via Wrentham email, or you can sign up to receive automatic emails when the blog has been updated.  Please also note that there is a spot on the blog for readers to make a comment.  I encourage your comments and feedback. 

As a reminder, Reading to the Finish Line, our summer reading program is up and running.  All the information regarding this program can be located on our school’s homepage (www.wrentham.k12.ma.us).  Thank you for your continued support and commitment to this program.  We are confident that reading over the summer will help students enter the new school year more prepared and are excited to celebrate their accomplishments!

As we begin our journey in a few weeks, we ask each one of you to remember our school’s Core Values: Respect, Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication, and Continuous Growth and Learning.  These values provide the foundation for everything that happens at the Wrentham Public Schools.  I look forward to seeing all of you on the 3rd.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the main office at 508.384.5430 or contact me directly at petersm@wrentham.k12.ma.us .  Enjoy the remainder of your summer!

Warm regards,
Melissa D. Peterson