Dear Delaney Families,
It's been another busy week at the Delaney! We are officially 22 days into the 2012-2013 school year and everyone is working hard. Kindergarten, Grade One, and Grade Two teachers will be conducting DIBELS Next testing over the next two weeks. The DIBELS is an assessment that examines phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding skills, and fluency. Teachers will use the resulting data to identify students' strengths and areas of need to inform future instruction.
A couple of reminders...
It's been another busy week at the Delaney! We are officially 22 days into the 2012-2013 school year and everyone is working hard. Kindergarten, Grade One, and Grade Two teachers will be conducting DIBELS Next testing over the next two weeks. The DIBELS is an assessment that examines phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding skills, and fluency. Teachers will use the resulting data to identify students' strengths and areas of need to inform future instruction.
A couple of reminders...
- Parking in the fire lanes outside the Delaney and Annex entrances is strictly prohibited. For the safety of our students, please park in the appropriate spaces.
- As we close out the month of September and officially enter the fall and cooler temperatures, please remember to send your children with appropriate clothing for outside recess.
- Please be on the lookout for information regarding the PTO Fall Fundraiser.
- All notices that are send home electronically are also posted on the main page of the Wrentham Public Schools' website. Check in often to learn about what's happening.
Did you know that two of our kindergarten classrooms are piloting portable Smart Boards?
Teachers, Mrs. Swartzendruber and Mrs. Nunes have been effectively integrating this technology into their daily activities across all curriculum areas. On Thursday, Kindergarten students used their fine motor skills while demonstrating vocabulary knowledge by matching the appropriate term with the correct part of an apple. They then created a graph of their favorite apple treat and closed the lesson by collectively reading a story from our Reading Street series accessed via the Pearson learning site.
These students received Positive Referrals for making great choices this week. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Delaney School Council F.A.Q's
What is the School Council?
The School Council is a group of school, parent, and community members who are responsible for developing the School Improvement Plan, reviewing the budget, and for making general recommendations as to how to best meet our students' needs. The council conducts a parents survey every 1-2 years and uses the resulting data to create/modify the School Improvement Plan. The council then presents the plan to the School Committee.
When does the council meet?
The Delaney School Council meets in conjunction with the Roderick School Council on the first Wednesday of every month at 3PM. Meeting location rotates monthly between the Delaney Teachers' Room and the Roderick School Library.
Who are the members of the Delaney School Council?
The council is comprised of the building principal (Missy Peterson), teacher representatives (Deidre D'Egidio and Cindy Jones), and parent representatives (Dave Gresham and Marguerite Fifolt).
Mark Your Calendars!
Delaney Teachers' Room - All are welcome!
October 8th - No School (Columbus Day)
October 9th - No School
(Staff Professional Development Day)
Thank you for taking the time to visit. Please stop back next week for a new post.
Enjoy your weekend!
Dr. Melissa D. Peterson
Delaney School Principal