The Delaney School has been bustling with activity over the past two weeks. With just a few short weeks remaining until winter break, our students and teachers continue to work hard. This week's blog is filled with photos of students demonstrating outstanding behavior, third graders exploring what life was like in the 17th century during their visit to Plimoth Plantation, and teachers gaining math Common Core strategies.
Please enjoy!
Mark Your Calendars...Winter Break - Dec. 22nd - Jan. 1st
Thank you to the PTO board and volunteers for hosting the amazing staff appreciation breakfast this morning. The food was delicious and an exceptional treat!
Positive Referrals
The following students received positive referrals over the past two weeks for demonstrating outstanding character. Examples included helping a friend who was injured, being kind and considerate to classmates, assisting in the collection of food on Spirit Day, and being an amazing role model.
Congratulations and keep up the great work!!!!
Grade 3 visited Plimoth Plantation this week and participated in a variety of activities. Thank you to WEST for their generous grant supporting this phenomenal learning trip. Enjoy the photos.
Brrr!!! It's chilly outside! Please be sure to send your children with the appropriate clothing for outside recess.
On Tuesday, Delaney teachers used their weekly common planning time to work with math specialist John Ribeiro to go deeper with the conceptual understanding of the mathematics. Teachers in grades PreK, K, 1, and 3 discussed strategies for decomposing numbers using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Grade 2 teachers will be working with Dr. Ribeiro next week.
Thank you for reading. See you next week!
Melissa D. Peterson
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