Monday, December 17, 2012

Delaney School response to Newtown tragedy on Monday, December 17th.

Dear Parents,

As a follow up to Dr. Marsden’s email and Connect Ed message, I wanted to communicate how things would be handled at the Delaney School today in response to the Newtown tragedy.

This morning, I will be meeting with the Delaney Staff prior to the children’s arrival.  At this meeting, I will share that our job as a staff is to maintain as much normalcy as possible for the PreK-3 students.  Due to the age of the children in the Delaney building and the fact that many are unaware of Friday's tragedy, we will not be observing a moment of silence and teachers will not be discussing the happenings with their classes.  If a child makes a comment or asks a questions, responses will be succinct, and whenever possible made only to that individual child. For those in need, guidance services will be available.

I understand that such an unimaginable tragedy as the one that occurred on Friday is hard to comprehend.  As we work to process this as adults, please trust that our focus today will be on keeping your child’s routine as typical as possible.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Melissa D. Peterson

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