Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Greeting Delaney Families,
I hope that you all enjoyed your extended weekend!  It has been a busy week.  On Tuesday, the teachers had a successful Professional Development Day in which they all collaborated on Mathematics and ELA.  Dr. Ribeiro joined us for Common Core math work and teachers in Grades K-2 examined the Reading Street and Fundations programs as they continue to work to align the two.  Classrooms were busy as the kids returned on Wednesday and as of today, we are all looking forward to (hopefully) some warmer temperatures over the next few days so that we can get outside and run around.
Enjoy your weekend!

Please mark your calendars...

Grade 3 ELA MCAS   
Wednesday, March 20th & Thursday, March 21st

Congratulations to the following students who were recognized this week for receiving Positive Referrals.  Each demonstrated outstanding decision making. Thank you for being such wonderful role models.

Garrett Akie, son of a former Wrentham Public Schools' Grade 4 teacher, came to share his knowledge and  Power Point of photos from a research trip to Antarctica in October 2012.  As part of the Kindergarten Reading Street program, the students read a Big Book entitled: If You Could Go To Antarctica.   Garrett's real photos looked just like the book and we were all impressed by the kids' many great questions!  Thank you Mr. Akie!

Thank you for reading!
Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18th

Greetings Delaney Families,

I hope that you all had a wonderful week. Please remember that this weekend is a long weekend with no school on Monday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) or Tuesday (Staff Professional Development Day) for students.  We look forward to seeing everyone bright and early on Wednesday, January 23rd.

The following students were recognized this week for making outstanding choices.  We are so proud of each and every one.  They are phenomenal role models and truly represent the Core Values of respect, responsibility, communication, collaboration, and continuous growth & learning.  Well done!

Author, David Biedzrycki visited our Grade One students on Tuesday to share his stories and talk to the kids about how he writes and illustrates his books.  Mr. Biedzrycki's visit was made possible due to a WEST grant.  Thank you!

This morning Mrs. Nunes, Mrs. Carceo, Mr. Cederbaum, and Miss White presented an overview on the Reading Street reading program we use at our school. Thank you to our presenters.  They were extremely prepared and did a great job! Thank you to all parents who attended this morning's Principals' Coffee.  If you did not have the opportunity to attend today's Principals' Coffee, you can view the PowerPoint here.  Our next Principals' Coffee will be on Friday, March 15, 2013.  Our topic will be the placement process.  

Students in Kindergarten, Grade One, and Grade Two will be participating in the DIBELS Next (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Learning Skills) assessment over the next couple of weeks.  The DIBELS Next is used to identify students who may need additional literacy instruction.  DIBELS are administered in the fall, winter, and spring.  For general information regarding the DIBELS Next click here.  For specific information on your child's results, please contact their classroom teacher.

Thank you to the Project Blossom families who were able to complete and return the NAEYC program survey. We are in the process of analyzing the results and will be using this data to develop program goals and areas of focus.  Results will be available in the Delaney Office.  We are always looking for ways in which to improve our programs.  If you have any suggestions, please feel free to email me at
Thank you in advance.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you, as always, for reading.
Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11, 2013

Happy Friday Delaney Families!
Please enjoy reading about our week...

On Thursday, our third grade students visited "Star Labs" in the Gibbons Gym; a Museum of Science program sponsored by WEST. Students entered the planetariums and learned about constellations, galaxies, planets, and more.  Pictured below are students from Mrs. Tuft's class and the two MOS presenters; Donna and Emily. A huge thank you to WEST for providing this phenomenal opportunity for the kids.

On Wednesday, the Advanced Band performed their winter concert for students in PreK-3.  Congratulations and thank you to Ms. Salazar and the members of the Advanced Band for an amazing concert!

The Delaney and Roderick School Councils met on Wednesday.  Topics discussed included the continued work to develop the School Improvement Plan for 2013-2016, WEST grant recipients, school safety, and the After School Enrichment Program.  School Council meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m. All are welcomed!

Friday was Patriots' Spirit Day and the Delaney was a sea of red, white, and blue!  Go PATS!!!

Principals' Coffee - January 18th
On Friday, January 18th at 8:30 a.m. in the Vogel Auditorium, there will be a Principals' Coffee.  The topic of discussion will be the Reading Street program that the Wrentham Public Schools have officially adopted in grades K-6.  Teachers will be presenting various parts of the program across grade levels.  We hope you can join us!

Preschool and Kindergarten Informational Nights
Informational nights for the parents of children entering preschool or kindergarten in September 2013 will be held on February 6th (PreK) and February 27th (K) at 6:30 p.m. in the Vogel Auditorium.  Additional information regarding the programs and registration dates can be found on the Wrentham Public Schools' website.

As you may know, Project Blossom received NAEYC accreditation four years ago.  As part of the yearly renewal process, parents are surveyed and the results used to assess the program and make improvements when needed.  Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. Results will be available shortly. 

There will be no school on Monday, January 21st (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) and Tuesday, January 22nd (Staff Professional Development Day).  Please mark your calendars.

Have a fantastic weekend and thank you for taking a few minutes to read this week's blog.

Melissa D. Peterson

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

Dear Delaney Families,

Happy New Year and welcome back.  I hope that everyone had a wonderful vacation.  It's been a short, but busy week here at the Delaney School and as January gets into full swing there are many things to look forward to.  Please enjoy this week's blog.  Thank you, as always, for reading.

Melissa D. Peterson

Brrrrr!!! It's cold outside!  Please be sure to send your children with the appropriate clothing for outside recess.  If the temperature and wind chill are above 20 degrees, we go outside for some much needed exercise.  Snow boots and pants are required for play on unpaved areas.


Congratulations to the Wrentham Public Schools' Food Service staff! The Wrentham Public Schools are being awarded the Healthier US School Challenge Award (HUSSC) Bronze award.  The HUSSC is a recognition award for schools who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence to both nutrition and physical education to promote a healthier school environment for children. It is a wonderful accomplishment for the Food Service Department, the students, the school district and the state of Massachusetts.


Principals' Coffee - January 18th
On Friday, January 18th at 8:30 a.m. in the Vogel Auditorium, there will be a Principals' Coffee.  The topic of discussion will be the Reading Street program that the Wrentham Public Schools have officially adopted in grades K-6.  Teachers will be presenting various parts of the program across grade levels.  We hope you can join us!

Preschool and Kindergarten Informational Nights
Informational nights for the parents of children entering preschool or kindergarten in September 2013 will be held on February 6th (PreK) and February 27th (K) at 6:30 p.m. in the Vogel Auditorium.  Additional information regarding the programs and registration dates can be found on the Wrentham Public Schools' website.


Mark Your Calendars

January 9th - School Council Meeting (3PM Roderick Office)

January 18th - Principals' Coffee (8:30 AM Vogel Auditorium)

January 21st- No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 22nd - No School - Professional Development Day

January 25th - Spirit Day/Term 2 Closes

January 28th - Transitional Kindergarten (move to full day)