Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 15 (12/9-12/13)

Greetings Delaney Families,

It's hard to believe that another week has passed so quickly! Between the snow and the holidays, the school is buzzing with excitement. Please keep in mind that we will be in school a full week next week and then on break until we return on Thursday, January 2nd.

Kindergarten students in Mrs. Nunes' class have been learning about hibernation.  As part of their unit, they had a P.J. day with guest readers (Dr. Peterson) and a special visit with their 5th grade buddies from Ms. O'Connell's class.

Time to Sleep was a great story that talked about all of the different kinds of animals that hibernate during the winter.  The kids were an amazing audience and shared many things that they had learned about hibernation.

Fifth graders from Ms. O'Connell's class joined up with the Kindergarten students for some fun activities.

Third grade students in the Delaney have been learning about the Pilgrims as part of our Social Studies curriculum. Each class was visited by the Pilgrims last week and was then able to travel to Plimoth Plantation.  At the Plantation, groups spend time at the living history exhibit sites, including Mayflower II , the Wampanoag Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center, and Nye Barn. To learn more about the program, click here.

We would like to the especially thank the Wrentham PTO for donating $10 per student towards the cost of this trip. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

John Howland (a Pilgrim who survived a fall overboard on the Mayflower’s journey) shared his experiences with the students in Mrs. Carceo and Ms. Horne's classes. 

Third graders at the Plantation...

Outdoor Recess Clothing Reminder...

Brrrr!!! As the weather continues to get colder and the snow continues to fall, please remember to send your child with the appropriate clothing for outside recess.  Children will need boots, snow pants, jackets, play on the fields and playground when the ground is covered in snow.  Those without appropriate gear will be asked to stay on the pavement during the recess period.

Project Mitten

Every year, the Wrentham Public Schools' staff, community members, organizations, and businesses combine forces to help school families in need.  This year, 28 families will receive help for the holidays.  Mrs. Toni Rando, Delaney School Secretary, works tirelessly to organize this endeavor.  Thank you to her and to all those listed below who helped to make the holidays special for our children.

Lions Club
McCombs Family & Neighbors
Wrentham Developmental Center
Wrentham Cooperative Bank
Wrentham Elementary Staff
The Pond Home
Anonymous donors


Wrentham Superintendent Search
On Tuesday, December 17th, the Wrentham School Committee will be interviewing the three finalists for Superintendent.  Interviews will begin at 4:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Roderick Library with each candidate being interviewed for approximately 75 minutes. All are welcome.

On Friday, December 13th, the PTO organized a lovely breakfast in the Delaney Teachers' room.  On behalf of the entire Delaney staff, I would like to thank the board and the many volunteers who helped to make this possible.  We sincerely thank you for your ongoing support!

As always, thank you for reading.
Have a great weekend.

Melissa D. Peterson, Principal

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